
System hil gaya

 Have you ever sat on the floor with your legs folded. It’s a different feeling(puura system hil jaata hai yaar). Like this - So hello guys how are you guys doing , welcome to my another blog where we talk about random stuff going on in my life and in general(mostly my life). Well I was just doing my assignment and I took a break(obviously, can’t study for more than a minute, just kidding I can study for 10 hours straight, when there is a deadline only then, that’s a power which I think I have lost now! Sed life) so anyway, I randomly did it, sat on the floor with my legs folded and my legs started paining as soon as I started it, but kept it like that for some time(don’t know why), and after a few seconds or a 1 minute the pain went away, and I got that feeling(that system hil jaaana). That made me realize that this is how most things in life are maybe, pain to start but feels okayish in the middle and then towards the end it starts giving you pleasure, something which you have

Random check of my condition

 If you have clicked on this blog then maybe you want to know what I am going through. But seriously why? Why would anyone want to know what is going on . You know one good way to create track of your activities and share what you did the whole day, is snapchatting it. Putting some snaps daily  is really popular amongst youngsters(P.S I am an uncle aged 50). I have wondered many times why people send snaps. Is it because it makes them look cool? My friend JP sure wants to look cool that's why he shares snaps, but that's not the actual reason I have seen people who do not want any attention in there lives and still sharing even the minutest thing happening in their lives. So they don't want to look cool. So what the hell do they want from snapchats?(P.S people do stuff because they want something in return, mostly). Maybe it's there way of telling how they feel! And people are kinda supportive. They see snaps, they send their snaps and sometimes even remind" Bro it&

Self Talk

 So, just opened my laptop and thought I would write. But what? Have you ever been in the phase when you have so many thoughts but you don’t pen it down and later they are all gone and now you are empty. I am experiencing something like that right now! Few days ago like in the shower I was thinking how different Indian parenting is from here(if you don’t know I moved to Canada like a month ago ,after a year of planning). I was like Ah finally. Will talk about new experiences in the city in some other blog. But this blog will capture my emptiness(Big words huh!) Why am I even doing this? Have you heard some motivators/inspirators(I don’t even know if that’s a word) saying that you should write if you want to know yourself. I know motivation is like bullshit or cocaine( it charges you up for a while and then straight back to normal) but you know from a rather long time now, I have not been doing much stuff(like I don’t feel to do anything, don’t wanna study, don’t wanna grow in my

Bhuul Bhulaiya Review

  Bhuul Bhulaiya 2 came out on 20 th May. This blog will tell you should you watch this   movie or not. What can you expect from the movie? Is it made for you? Technically, as per bollywood’s track record of making remake movies. People have lost hopes. Most fans where disappointed when the news came that they are replacing Akshay Kumar in the franchise. People thought that no other actor can replace him and also with the new cast, there were less chances of Bhuul Bhulaiya 2 being a hit. Even after the criticism for the movie and the past of Bollywood making bad movies I, wanted to give this movie a fare chance. Even though a new actor cannot replace old maestros (Akshay sir, in this case) but they sure can carve a separate place for themselves in our hearts. So, I watched the movie. If you are someone who enjoys Cringe comedy or embraces to watch celebrities dance or enjoys a medium plot with little plot twists and mystery. You should definitely go and watch the movie. But if you

Dragon Ball review/Should you watch it?

  Dragon Ball is an anime derived from a Manga(comic) and originated in Japan. Currently there are millions of fans worldwide. Fans appreciate the story line of the series, epic characters and neat animated fights. But is it worthwhile to watch? Where does dragon ball stand amongst other anime series? Who is the target audience? This blog will answer some of these questions and will review dragon ball series from a non-anime fan’s point of view. Dragon Ball is the story of a child who is from an alien race Saiyans and, he is sent to earth to destroy it, but somehow forgets his mission and ends up becoming a master of Martial Arts and a protector of Earth from evil forces of power. The boy encounters numerous foes and difficulties and each time come out to be stronger and wiser. The dragon ball series is divided into 3 parts, which are – dragon ball, dragon ball Z, dragon ball super. There are also a lot of movies made which does not add up to the main story line and showcases a diffe

Multiverse Of Madness: Spoiler free Review

 Doctor Strange in the multi-verse of madness, the much awaited movie came out this week which is made under Marvel Studios Banner. In this blog we will be reviewing the movie without spoilers. Most of you would still watch the movie, so this review would make your mind clear what should you expect from the movie.Or maybe persuade you not to watch it. From a big studio like Marvel, people expect great things. There were expectations with Spiderman no way home and so were with this movie. Marvel fans expected cameos, epic story telling and great CGI scenes. And the movie undoubtedly fulfills all those demands and will bound the viewers throughout the movie. Considering it in terms of graphics and choreography, this movie is a masterpiece and will not disappoint you if that’s all you are expecting. Coming up to the flaws of the movie. The prime flaw is that this movie is made by Marvel Studios. Marvel Cinematic Universe has become significantly huge and there is success guaranteed in

Should we be doing multiple jobs?

 A job decides a lot of traits of your personality therefore choosing your profession is really important but have you ever wondered why people devote most of their time doing one job and what about the other hidden qualities or talents in you? In this blog we will talk further about how your personality is dependent on the type of job you do and , how we are forced to choose one profession and hide our other versions. A person’s nature, his decisions is much decided by the type of job he/she does like, a primary school teacher treats even adults as kids   and thinks they too who needs to be guided in every action .How a psychotherapist is bound to listen to people’s talks deeply and analyze there mental state all the time even in normal conversations. There is a mention in the book Atomic Habits that your overall personality comprising of your decisions and thinking is a by-product of the actions happened to you in the past or present which proves the point that work and environment