Men are women and women are men

       A Reality where gender roles are reversed

 All our favourite movie heroes are now women. Would you still relate with them in the same way as you used to do earlier? Also, our mothers have now acquired the position of fathers. Have you ever wondered what would have happened if the society was not patriarchal and rather maternal? Would women treat men the same way as we men have treated them now? Can this all really exist in the future?

In this blog we shall discuss these questions and stay tuned with me because there’s more multiversic shit coming.

In my earlier blog I have illustrated what multiverse is and how what we think of can exist as another universe. So, we found this universe where men and women have now switched places, change is regarding their position in the society where, women still produces babies and men have sperm so, no change in that part.

Generally, men are believed to have a strong heart to deal with the world outside whereas, women have a tender nature to support their kids. This nature is adopted by them to perform their tasks efficiently. Now, if mother and father have now changed their roles then firstly, there will be an imbalance in the world. Business ideas would be taken emotionally and children would be treated harshly like fathers do usually, also their choice of interests maybe different. Some women enjoys staying at home and work whereas my father likes to spend time outside so, there may be dissatisfaction in them now. However, there are women who work and men who take care of the house and they are able to do this perfectly. So, slowly women will adapt harsh nature whereas men will start showing their emotions. This will solve major errors of their nature because women lacked being strict and taking hard decisions whereas men lacked talking about their problems properly. For example men can learn how to show their feelings through their kid and maybe they can become even better mothers.

There will be numerous effects of this on the society because now women will have a dominant position. The question is will they treat men in the same way, inferior to them. Well in my opinion I don’t think women believe in taking revenge from men for their previous actions as they have a soft nature. But, as all people are not good there can still be discrimination based on sex.

Bunny is now a woman, Spiderman has to save the world with her girlish problems. Can we still relate with the heroes the same way. Personally, I can no longer relate with bunny the same way as before, I feel flirting and hiding his dreams from his friends and family very much attributed to his manly nature and seeing a woman do that would be hard to digest for first later, I think I will adapt. Spiderman is a hero and a hero can fight and win in any situation so, is the situation like fighting a super villain or fighting her period problems or both at the same time she can do it well.

So, is there any possibility this all can really happen in our universe, there may be some factors responsible. First, we have to see what makes males dominate the society now, it can be physical strength or mentality of people who present men superior or even the population can be a factor. I don’t know, once my biology teacher said in the class that Y chromosome which is present in males is shrinking after each generation and there can be a time when it will disappear completely. So, no more new males could be born. Of course science would have progressed much more till that time but if not, then male population will decrease steeply. Leaving more population of women, eventually making them dominant.

To conclude this I would say that what we did just now is watching and judging some other universe’s condition. What we could learn is men and women can fill the voids in their personalities, men can be more expressing and women more strong in taking hard decisions.

Well those were my opinions you can share yours in the comment section and if you liked reading my blogs do follow my blogs page both on Instagram and Blogspot and share with others.


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