
 What is sanity and who is an insane person? 

An insane/mad person is simply someone who does absurd things at wrong places like screaming in a social gathering, creating a scene on the road or something like that. Sanity on the other hand means to stay calm, tolerate others and stay strong at all situations.

Ever thought why people behave that way?   

Well practically humans are on the verge of becoming extinct, like we have so many problems to deal with - global warming ,plastic ,pollution, population growth, melting glaciers, animal species getting extinct, our mortality, our incapabilities which God has provided us with and then our  mental health issues like depression and suicide tendancies.

So, in this era of chaos and destruction isn't it quite normal for our brain to get insane.

In the book THE SCHOOL OF LIFE there is a mention of how someone who loses his temper in certain situations is found to be more mature and happy than a person who hides his feelings all the time.

Why do we always act that we are all sane?

Well, humanity is the smartest race in the world so knowingly unknowingly we have the responsibility to act and live wisely.

What has the society taught us?

The society forces us to be sane, to follow rules, to control our emotions our tears and anger and hate, so that there is peace in the community. Often our parents told us not to shout or cry (be brave) and maintain peace in the house

But, then, what about the hate and the negative feeling, can we stop them from coming?

 As a matter of fact, no matter what you do you can’t eradicate the negative vibes completely.

There are examples of humans getting insane and do terrible tasks in real life and in movies.

Some movie references to prove the point that humans are all crazy inside and how we feel good after doing insane tasks.  

How Ved in Tamasha felt calm and happy after doing insane stuff in Corsica and after that Tara wanted that insanity(Ved) back in her life because her life was dull otherwise, how people in zombieland felt good after destroying a gift shop (men turning into zombies can be a future scenario, you never know),  how psychopaths enjoy killing people without any personal hate or harsh feeling but, just for fun.

It is not advised to go that insane and start killing but, at least in some matters which are dear to us we can be insane( shout or punch someone or just break a flower pot on the ground). Matters like when someone insulted you in public when you are very concerned about your dignity or when someone said something about your dear ones. Even though you can learn to be calm even in these scenarios if you want .How?

By meditation.


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