System hil gaya

 Have you ever sat on the floor with your legs folded. It’s a different feeling(puura system hil jaata hai yaar). Like this -

So hello guys how are you guys doing , welcome to my another blog where we talk about random stuff going on in my life and in general(mostly my life).

Well I was just doing my assignment and I took a break(obviously, can’t study for more than a minute, just kidding I can study for 10 hours straight, when there is a deadline only then, that’s a power which I think I have lost now! Sed life) so anyway, I randomly did it, sat on the floor with my legs folded and my legs started paining as soon as I started it, but kept it like that for some time(don’t know why), and after a few seconds or a 1 minute the pain went away, and I got that feeling(that system hil jaaana).

That made me realize that this is how most things in life are maybe, pain to start but feels okayish in the middle and then towards the end it starts giving you pleasure, something which you have never even imagined off(P.S these two things may have no co-relation, but I just thought so).  

I always have a problem of starting things, sometimes there are things which I desperately  want to do but I don’t, because I need a push from someone and in my life that push doesn’t come easily, either it comes delayed or not at all. So things in my life just go as it was supposed to go(I don’t put any effort to change it). But what if we tried to change things, so what painful in the start or first good then painful what’s the big deal, we will do it any way to get that heavenly feeling afterward.


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